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Hove Junior School

Portland Road & Holland Road

"There is strong evidence of good systemic leadership and an aspirational culture, supporting strong outcomes for pupils and in raising standards for disadvantaged and SEND pupils" - Ofsted, February 2020

Remote Learning at Hove Learning Federation


As of the latest guidance from the Department for Education (DfE), it is no longer mandatory for primary schools to provide remote education. This decision is based on the return to regular in-person learning and the easing of COVID-19 related restrictions. This policy reflects this change while ensuring that we are prepared to adapt to any future needs.

Current Stance on Remote Learning

As per the latest DfE guidance, Hove Learning Federation will no longer provide regular remote education. The guidance specifies that remote education should only be considered in exceptional circumstances where attendance is not possible or goes against government guidance.

Primary Focus on In-Person Learning

In-person learning will be prioritized and maintained as the primary mode of instruction. At HLF, we will not update our learning platforms with new remote learning on a weekly basis. However, we will aim to provide work for our families where children are having to isolate but are well enough to work, at their request.

Provision for Exceptional Circumstances

Remote education will only be considered in specific situations such as local or national restrictions that mandate school closures, or for individual children who cannot attend due to health reasons.

In the event of exceptional circumstances:

  • The school will provide clear guidance and resources for remote learning.
  • Communication with parents and children will be maintained to ensure a smooth transition to and from remote education.
  • Teachers will use available technology to deliver lessons and support children remotely as needed.

Support for Children and Staff

In the event remote education is necessary, HLF will adhere to high-quality standards, ensuring all children have access to the necessary resources and support to engage with learning.

 We will ensure that children and staff are supported during any transition periods:

  • Training sessions and resources on the use of remote learning tools will be made available.
  • Technical support will be accessible to address any issues that arise during remote learning periods.
  • Emotional and mental health support will be offered to help manage any stress or anxiety related to changes in learning modes.

Learning at home

Upon request, we will provide remote learning activities that follow our school curriculum. We will ensure the learning is adapted to meet the needs of the individual child. We may also direct families to several websites offering high-quality, free lessons and learning resources for use at home. Some of our favourites include:

  • BBC Bitesize
  • Oak National Academy

Monitoring and Review

The Remote Learning Policy will be reviewed annually or in response to any significant changes in DfE guidance. Feedback from staff, children, and parents will be considered to continuously improve our approach.

Communication and Support

Clear communication channels (school website, newsletters, meetings, Arbor messages) will be maintained with parents and children regarding any changes to the mode of education. Support will be provided to help children and parents adapt to remote learning if it becomes necessary.


For detailed guidance from the DfE, please refer to the Providing Remote Education: Non-Statutory Guidance for Schools.

Contact Information

For any queries related to this policy, please contact the school.


Our school will follow this updated guidance and will no longer provide remote education unless necessary. While remote learning is no longer a requirement, we remain prepared to adapt to any future needs to ensure continuity of education.

For further details, refer to the DfE's guidance on remote education here.

This policy aligns with the current DfE guidelines and ensures that our school community is well-informed and prepared for any necessary remote learning scenarios.