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Hove Junior School

Portland Road & Holland Road

"There is strong evidence of good systemic leadership and an aspirational culture, supporting strong outcomes for pupils and in raising standards for disadvantaged and SEND pupils" - Ofsted, February 2020

Sports Premium

PE Curriculum Development

All teachers have received Professional PE Curriculum Development within their PE lessons in the subjects listed below;

  • Year 3: Tennis, Tag-Rugby, Basketball, Athletics
  • Year 4: Dance, Cricket, Netball
  • Year 5: Gymnastics, Tag-Rugby, Rounders, Fitness Training (Circuit), Athletics
  • Year 6: Netball, Cricket, OAA

PE lessons always begin with a recap from the previous lesson's learning.  It continues with a clear explanation of the purpose and benefit of a warm-up, then the warm-up is delivered, usually consisting of pulse-raising activities such as different forms of running with different movements, also included are basic stretches.  Lessons include differentiated tasks and equipment to maximise the learning and successful outcomes from all children, as well as progression activities for the less able and more gifted.  The PE lesson will culminate with a recap of the learning that was present in the lesson, aligning learning outcomes on the portable whiteboard with children’s knowledge and answers.


CPD in PE aims to provide teaching staff with teacher led tasks that improve basic skills for the different Sports, Gymnastics, Dance and Outdoor Adventurous Activities with clear demonstrations to enable the development of the children’s technique for the different Sports, Gymnastics, Dance and Outdoor Adventurous Activities.   All teaching staff who receive CPD using the sports premium should be more confident to deliver more challenging PE lessons and satisfied that children will improve skills, technique, knowledge and understanding from their PE lessons in the future.


In summary:

  • Our teachers at HJS have a clear understanding for a structure to every PE lesson, Explanation, Warm-up, Skill based activities and Competitive Game situations.
  • Explain and reinforce the purpose of a warm-up and mention names of muscles and associated stretches.
  •  Ensure the warm-up is related to the lesson content, it could also be a recap from the previous PE lesson.
  • Understand the importance of creating a ‘learning environment’ in PE, the school recommends that staff wear PE kit, or at least trainers.
  •  Try to incorporate a fitness element to all PE lessons and don’t be afraid to have an element of competition.
  •  Every child needs to be active and learning in PE.

 PE Kits:

PE lessons are timetabled to allow for equality of access to our resources and playgrounds. Children receive 2 hours of PE every week. During Covid restrictions pupils are asked to wear their PE kits into school. 

We like all children to have a change of clothing for PE and games (shorts/t-shirts/trainers). The school has a school sports t-shirt designed especially for PE and this is also worn at all school events to represent the school. However, we aim to be inclusive and want all children to access PE and games. Provided they are sensibly dressed (particularly footwear), children will not be excluded from PE and games.