For reporting absence:Portland Road site, please call 01273 916609 option 1Holland Road site, please call 01273 916707 option 1 |
ENSURE YOUR CHILD ARRIVES ON TIME Registration is at 8.40 am for Holland Road site and 8.50 am for Portland Road site. Children can feel unsettled and unprepared if they miss the start of the school day with the rest of their class and it is disruptive for everybody when children arrive once the lessons have begun. Give your child the best start to each day by getting them to school on time. Persistant lateness will be fined according to the guidelines set out by the Local Authority. |
ILLNESS Children are ill on occasions and we readily accept that when this is the case being at home is the best place to be. As a school we want all our children to be in good health so they are able to learn happily and confidently when they are here. The traffic light system is a really useful guide to help you to decide when to send your child into school and when to keep them at home. |
GOOD ATTENDANCE Good attendance (95% or more) gives your child the best chance of success. If your child’s attendance falls below 95% it becomes a concern to the school. Regular lateness and absences will be followed up with formal contact with home. |
ABSENCE REQUESTS To request an absence for any reason other than illness please contact the Headteacher, in advance, using the Absence of Learning form below, via email to / As a rule holidays in term time will not be authorised unless there are very exceptional circumstances. Headteachers can only authorise these requests if there are exceptional reasons for the absence. Therefore, parents should explain fully why they need to remove their child from school and provide any necessary evidence. If the Headteacher declines the request, parents will be informed in writing of this. If the child is absent for this period, the matter will be referred to the Local Authority who may issue a Fixed Penalty Notice. |