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Hove Junior School

Portland Road & Holland Road

"There is strong evidence of good systemic leadership and an aspirational culture, supporting strong outcomes for pupils and in raising standards for disadvantaged and SEND pupils" - Ofsted, February 2020


Although we feel our site is organised in a logical way, we can appreciate how difficult it must be to navigate school website after school website.  

To make it easier for you, please find below links to the documents we feel you would be most likely to access. 

Hove Learning Federation School Organisation (important)

Admission arrangements

Behaviour Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Complaints Procedure

Contact details

Curriculum Information

Equalities Information and Objectives

Governor information

IQM Centre of Excellence

Ofsted Inspection report

Most recent KS2 results/DfE performance details

PE funding

Pupil Premium report

School ethos and values

SEN report

SEND Policy

Subjects Information


Please click here for information on our Curriculum, and here for our Subjects pages.