Hove Partnership
Hove Cluster Core Curriculum Offer and Agreement
We would like to propose a ‘Core Curriculum Offer’, which we are happy to coordinate and organise within the cluster and review as a cluster on an annual basis.
Curriculum Offer and Agreement:
Release subject leaders for core curriculum meetings each term in English and maths. (Supply to be funded by the cluster)
Foundation curriculum meetings will be developed on a rolling programme, according to need and capacity. E.g. Geography would be a group that West Blatchington would like to set up and run, as this is linked to their SIP.
Each school to offer shadowing/mentoring of a subject leader from another school, as appropriate and identified through the cluster. (See survey feedback and next steps).
Curriculum cluster links identify specific CPD/training or initiatives either in house/external linked to the cluster’s development priorities
Support curriculum and training through offering one to two places for staff training/inset should it align with your areas of SIP each term.