Portland Road - School Council
At the start of this academic year our newly appointed school councillors asked their classes how we could improve our play times and lunch times. One of the things that the school council felt they could have an immediate impact on was how well children treat each other and the importance of modelling kind behaviour.
Although we are incredibly proud of the nurturing atmosphere in school, some children had fed back to their council representatives that they can feel lonely on the playground if they have fallen out with their friends or are not sure who to play with. Sometimes younger children can feel intimidated by the older children as well.
Our councillors set out to address these problems. Starting with creating ‘kindness super heroes’, that are now proudly placed around the school offering advice on how to behave in a kind way, and presenting a kindness assembly to their respective year groups. An example of the Year 3 and 4 assembly can be found below.
We were also delighted when our PTA agreed to fund the purchase of a buddy bench which will be utilised by our councillors to take care of any children who are seeking a quiet place on the playground, would like advice on which games to play or activities to join with or just want a new face to talk to!