Our LEARN Ethos
At Hove Juniors we all share and follow the statements shown below to support our learning behaviour.
Look after each other:
We all learn better when we feel confident and empowered. Promoting self -esteem by providing a stimulating and accessible curriculum is crucial for all children. Building strong relationships is the framework on which all learning can grow. Emotional and academic wellbeing is at the heart of a strong school community. Working together is fundamental to learning and is a skill we focus on as a school.
Everyone does their best:
Children and adults are supported to succeed. The learning culture is rewarded both through reaching targets and through a personal sense of growth and achievement. Expectations are high and there is a collaborative approach to success.
Aim high:
The curriculum is current and innovative. Provision is personalised and there are no barriers to learning. New approaches to learning are explored and risks are taken. Time is given to ‘Blue Sky’ thinking.
A culture of awareness is created. This includes our interactions with each other and with our environment. Respectful behaviour is expected and modelled.
New day, new challenge:
We are all learning all of the time. New thinking is explored and we learn from mistakes. Challenge is essential in forward movement and this can include change. Change is used wisely and promotes the best outcomes for children.
We also display our Learning Environment statements which promote our awareness of our classroom, our school, our city and our place in the world.
This is our new LEARN statement which will be introduced through the PSHCE curriculum in the Spring term. It is centred around our language for learning and was created with staff and children.
Learning Characteristics
Hove Junior School have developed and implemented 6 Learning Characteristics. The Learning Characteristics represent key life skills and behaviours that underpin our curriculum and learning. The children are actively encouraged to demonstrate, utilize and reflect on these attributes to enable key curriculum skills and life-long behaviours to develop that enable an increased depth of understanding both in their classroom discoveries, interpersonal relationships and into their futures. We hope by developing these key characteristics the children are able to approach challenges in a dynamic and resourceful way that prepares them to be global lifelong learners.